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  • rydbergkathleen

Kintsugi gold scars

The Japanese have an ancient technique of repairing broken pottery with gold. This method is called “Kintsugi.” It makes the pottery unique and more beautiful than before it was broken. Scars and other marks we have don’t make us broken. They make us strong and reveal a part of our character that wasn’t there before. They can show how brave you are, and you should never be ashamed of your story. Who you are today is because of what happened in the past, both good and bad. Times when you were shattered, and times when you excelled. Life isn’t about perfection. Sure, everyone wants to be the best they can be, but life is more than that. Life is an adventure, a journey. A good book has conflict and a resolution. A main character who defies the odds and succeeds in the end by becoming a better person. Character growth is essential to understanding the lessons a book teaches.

Cracked Kintsugi bowls are much more interesting than perfect ones. People admire the imperfection.

Despite what has happened and what lies you’ve been told, you are not broken. You’re beautiful. Maybe you feel down, but there are good things in every situation. Look for these good moments, and don’t dwell on the past. We’ve all made mistakes, but it is who we are now that matters. Your scars are a part of you, but they do not have to define you. You are so much more than the bumps and bruises. You are amazing.

Isaiah 64:8

Yet, O LORD, you are our Father. We are the clay, you are the potter; we are all the work of your hand.

The Bible says God is the Potter. He knows what he is making us into and it will be beautiful at the right time. God knows what you’re going through. He cares and he has a plan.

Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

If the Kintsugi pottery was never broken, then it never would have inspired so many people. We are all still growing. Don’t put yourself down. You’re perfect just the way you are. So whatever part of your story, personality, or physical appearance that you tell yourself is broken think about the Kintsugi bowls.

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